So I know when I started this I said I would post randomly but frequently. And here it is almost three months later and I have four posts of nothing. My mind is blocked. I'm stuck on a loop. I'm sitting thinking of so many thinks to write about but can't find the start button. I have a shit ton to yell, rant, and or talk about; but none of it comes out when I sit down in front of this blank screen. I try to type something and the brain goes "what if you offend someone?", "Why write no one reads your shit?", "You are too stupid to have an opinion." I know pathetic, but that is my head. It gets in the way of it's self almost everyday. It constantly tells me what I can't do and why I shouldn't do this or that. It sucks because so many see potential in me that my brain just doesn't believe.
Let's just start with the ranting. Fuck politics in the ass with a pitchfork that has lemon juice glazed glass shards glued all over the tines. I'm so sick of hearing about political bullshit. The problem with politics is it's just like religion. Everyone out there thinks their way is the only way to get to the promise land. If it was that easy we would be worry free and drinking champagne out of glasses made from angels and crafted by the ecological friendly heat produced by lighting cherub farts. Here is the problem; politics is not about what works to help or serve others, it's about how people want others to fall in line with them and their beliefs. Politics and religion are in that sense are a selfish interest. Oh and don't give me that crap that people vote for others, very rarely is that the case. Most people vote based on what they can get out of it.
What really pisses me off about politics is peoples blatant need to shove that shit down others throats. I'm sick of seeing posts how Obama is the black Hitler Anti-Christ that is gonna make sure that all people over sixty are killed to line the playgrounds for all children in full padding to play with foam balls. Or Bush killed babies with nukes made from the skin of baby seals wrapped around core sections of the oldest glaciers. I'm sick of seeing the minuscule facts blown out of proportion as if it could start world war three. If Bob Smith accidentally misspelled John Stupid FUQ's name. Big deal. Stop making it out to be the end of the world. People make mistakes all the time. Shit I have had to retype forty plus words in this rant. I know this post is not on par with world politics, but I'm sure you perfect fuckers out there have never made a mistake. Or if you did, you would hope others over look it. What all this shit is A) scare/slander tactics. B) people only looking for the negative in situations. Fuck, you all might be happier and accomplish more if you tried to find the positives in your candidates and stop trying to verbally ass rape your opposition. If I want to win a fist fight I train myself to be the best, I don't go to my opponent's gym and steal all of their training equipment.
Have our leaders done fucked up things? YES! Have they done good things? YES! I know if you are a liberal you can never say that the conservatives have good ideas. You would explode from the pure confusion of believes in your tiny little open minded brain.You would have to drink gasoline and eat endangered species for every meal. And I know if you are a conservative you can never agree/back a liberal because that means you would have to sell your shoes, buy Birkenstocks, eat only vegetables and carry hugs and kisses as a self defense weapon. Here is the truth; both sides are right and both sides are wrong. If we could focus on facts. If we could get over stupid bullshit names and cliques; if we could start by focusing on not pointing out the wrongs with people only seeing the problem with the world, fixing it for all, not just a few, then moving on. Life would be simple. I know, I know; angel forged champagne glasses with cherub farts.
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